Home Junction Simple Logo


Home Junction

GOAL: To lower the cost of the fulfillment process.

ISSUE: Home Junction's fulfillment process estimated cost was 4 hours which, in many cases, would take longer. These 4 hours at the development rate were equal to the initiation fee received from the client plus the first 3 months of the payments. Thus that the first 4 months of the company’s profit would only cover the cost of fulfillment services. We also had to bring into consideration that with the first year’s relevantly high rate of cancellations, it would only mean a higher risk of claiming a loss
instead of profit.

RESULT: 50% Fulfillment process speed increase.


Original process analysis

Customer Service original process illustration

The original process of fulfillment started with a customer service (CS) representative (rep.) collecting order details for the new website. The CS rep. would then demo the 3 pre-made templates that Home Junction offered for the homepage, along with multiple existing customer websites. Many new clients found the pre-made templates unsatisfactory, leading to long discussions with the CS representative before the client’s requirements were met. Then, the notes for the required customizations were passed on to the WordPress developer. These notes were often freestyle, included links for demos, and had descriptions of the pre-made template customizations. This often triggered another back and forth between the two parties for clarification.


We were in need of new tactics to save company income.

  1. Why it didn't work.

A quick bit of research showed, that the existing pre-made templates did not provide new users with enough options of sections that they can tailor to their own business needs. It also did not provide them with enough style options.

  • Not enough sections
  • Not enough styles

2. Necessary elements in this field.

I researched real estate websites and ranked the core components used on their home page by how frequently they were employed. The result was a ranked list of home page sections used by agents and



Redesigning the process

Modification logic for the fulfillment process

1. Based on the most popular requests I designed multiple style options for the new list of the sections mentioned above.

2. I created an image slider tool, which allows customer service representatives to demo the options available for the new website all in one place: view the page. It also allows the customer service representative to pass a screenshot of the desired homepage layout to the WordPress developer.

3. I created WordPress templates for the WordPress developers, allowing them to stack up the layout templates with easy minimal customization based on the branding requirements.



Mix and match sections provide options for the displayed information and some room for tailoring to the specific client's needs. Multiple designs provided new clients with options to pick from and the style as they see fit. The Slider Tool allowed the customer service representative to pass more accurate information to WordPress developers.

Slider sections illustrations


Outcome of the redesign


Improve in fulfillment
process efficiency

As a result of changes made, the fulfillment process efficiency was improved by 50%, going from 4+ hours of fulfillment time to a stable 2 hours of development for the new website.

At the same time, we cleared the communication channels between customer service representatives and WordPress developers as well as organized presentations. This also complemented the onboarding process for new clients.